KDP Journal Creation

On my creative journey, I came across the ability to create and publish my own journals and books through the Amazon website, KDP Journal creation idea platform for free, and then with some marketing expertise and some good luck I might actually be able to sell one, some or all of my creations. This platform allows for an on-demand kind of inventory, where the customer places an order and then the book or journal is printed then mailed directly to the customer. The negates the need to manage inventory, orders, shipping, tracking, etc.

For example, a low content journal that I created is listed here, feathers seemed soothing for a journal idea, plus it was good fun arranging the feathers in this pattern.

KDP journal creation with features of images like feathers and native art and images

Using another free software program called canva, the cover was created, front and back. There is a free version which allows the user to create artwork using prechosen images, backgrounds, fonts, etc, as well as importing images from outside canvas. The opportunity to publish your own books or journals utilizing the KDP Journal Creation idea is a great way to express your own ideas in print.

Read more: KDP Journal Creation

Why Create Your Own Journal

The idea of creating your own journal is the pride in publishing your own book.

Utilizing KDP Journal Creation

Using the Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) webpage, you can create books, low content journals, diaries, sketchbooks or what ever you are interested in publishing. Upon opening this page, chose the create option. On this page the choices include ebook, book, hardcover book among other choices. The next page requests information about your book such as title, subtitle, author, etc. The next step is creating a book cover, inside paper designs and any other details you would like to create.

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